IGNITION by the numbers:

  • Financing: PIA supply chain project: AIRCAR – Carnot MICA
  • Amount: €153,000, €88,000 of which is a subsidy from PIA
  • Duration: 12 months
  • Partners: IRMA, Drone Act

Project summary:

A large-size (700 x 700 mm), high-speed (drone racer) or high-load capacity (drone taxi) drone must meet demanding mechanical requirements. The structure of the IGNITION drone, which was designed by IRMA and its partner, Drone Act, was created using an innovative hybrid technology combining 3D printing and robotised reinforcement through the automated fibre placement (AFP) of composite materials.

IRMA’s role:

Optimised dimensions strengthen and rigidify the drone in the right places. Performance requirements are achieved thanks to a structure that combines two additive manufacturing processes with a structural optimisation study. This combination of manufacturing process includes the 3D printing of the chassis, reinforcement via thermoplastic composite stacking and a 3D-printed tool design to provide more agility and versatility to the design. Manufacture, control and validation via mechanical characterisation give shape to the proof of concept.

Project funder

Project partners

HIT Project